UPAMI |Ungkapan Pecinta Air Minum Indonesia

UPAMI |Ungkapan Pecinta Air Minum Indonesia adalah grup di facebook yang mengharapkan anggotanya lebih mengenal dan dapat memperbaiki kualitas, sistem, proses pembuatan, pengemasan, pengepakan, penyimpanan, distribusi dan kesadaran masyarakat awam tentang air minum di Indonesia. Untuk mengetahui dasar – dasar mengenai air minum dan peraturannya silakan klik di bawah ini :

Membaca artikel di atas dan mencari yang terkait dengannya mungkin cukup melelahkan anda. Tidak cukup sekali browsing, demikian pula dengan artikel yang berhubungan dengan sistem, proses pembuatan, pengemasan, pengepakan, penyimpanan, distribusi dan kesadaran masyarakat akan air minum, oleh karenanya artikel lain akan dikemas di kemudian hari.

Sangat mencengangkan bila produsen air minum yang dijual ke pasar untuk dikonsumsi masyarakat tidak memahami mutu produk mereka. Satu hal lagi, saya perlu kutip tulisan dari http://en.wikipedia.org/drinking_water

The folk wisdom that everyone should drink two litres (68 ounces, or about eight 8-oz glasses) of water per day is not supported by scientific research.

Various reviews of all the scientific literature on the topic performed in 2002 and 2008 could not find any solid scientific evidence that recommended drinking eight glasses of water per day. For example, people in hotter climates will require greater water intake than those in cooler climates. An individual’s thirst provides a better guide for how much water they require rather than a specific, fixed number. A more flexible guideline is that a normal person should urinate 4 times per day, and the urine should be a light yellow color. Profuse sweating can increase the need for electrolyte (salt) replacement. Water intoxication (which results in hyponatremia), the process of consuming too much water too quickly, can be fatal.

The human kidneys will normally adjust to varying levels of water intake. If a person suddenly increases water intake, the kidneys will produce more diluted urine, even if the person did not happen to consume water excessively. The kidneys will require time to adjust to the new water intake level. This can cause someone who drinks a lot of water to become dehydrated more easily than someone who routinely drinks less. Survival classes recommend that someone who expects to be in an environment with little water (such as a desert), not to drink water excessively, but rather to drink gradually decreasing amounts for several days before their trip to accustom the kidneys to making concentrated urine. Not using this method can, and has been known to be, fatal.

Catatan : Tulisan ini merefer beberapa situs web dan bukan asli tulisan saya
– Ahmad Dahroji 24/06/09 00:18 AM –

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